Several Years ago I was just another salesman. I ran the leads and sold the deals.
Then one day there was an incentive for self generated leads resulting in a better commission. Being the young, motivated sales rep I was, it was a no brainer to run my own ads. That decision lead me down a very fun few years to get to where we are today.
When I launched my first advertisement campaign it was terrible. Complete failure for several months but I believed in me enough to stick with it.
As with most things you practice enough, I started to get better and eventually got pretty good. The more I learned, the more interest in marketing that I developed.
It did not take long for me to realize that getting the leads was the very beginning and so I began to learn about CRM builds, automation, websites, SEO (search engine optimization) and quickly found out that I am in fact a nerd 🤓
Fast forward several years of learning at my own expense, today I solve marketing problems for business owners.
While I have a preference in the work I take on as well as the opportunity to be "picky" about who I choose to work with, I enjoy helping nearly everyone achieve their goals.
Which is why I have a free calendar spot for anyone who feels they need help with any of the services I offer. If you need advice, want to discuss potential business or have a problem that you can't seem to figure out, I invite you to schedule a call with me on the calendar below and I'd be happy to help!